IRAN-GRID Certificate Authority
IRAN-GRID Certification Authority is formed to provide X.509 certificates for
identification and authentication purposes related to iranian grid activities in e-science.
The IRAN-GRID CA is established via CMS experiment collaboration.
IRAN-GRID CA at beginning will issue certificates for person and host
of any organization who has collaboration with LHC experiments,
but later will cover other organization (see authenticated organizations) in other branch
of sciences which deal with international grid collaboration.
IRAN-GRID CA, is hosted and managed by IPM School of Particles and Accelerators.
Users can request personal and host/service certificates via the
web interface provided. Also they can revoke their certificate and download root
certificate for their usage.
Issued certificates are valid for 1 year plus one month.
An expiration warning will be sent by e-mail a few weeks before the
expiration of the certificate.We don't assume the support nor the backup
of the private key of issued certificates corresponding on our CP/CPS.
IRAN-GRID CA was accredited by EUgridPMA
(European Policy Management Authority for Grid Authentication)
and since 28th May 2008 becomes a member of EUgridPMA. EUgridPMA itself is member of
International Grid Trust Federation (IGTF).